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+91 9947553000, 1800 120 70 65 (Toll Free) |

About Us

We offer visa assistance service

How can we help you?

We offer visa assistance for US, Europe, New Zealand, UK, Ireland, Australia, Middle East, Africa, South Korea, Japan and other abroad jobs. Job vacancies in Health Care, Nursing, customer service & helpdesk, finance, IT, engineering, construction, and helper jobs. Lots of useful job market information, tips and personal support. Interested in moving around in UK, Ireland or Europe? Looking for jobs in UK, Ireland or Europe? Let us find your next job.

  • We will make a business invitation for a Europe visa.

  • Schengen visa assistance

  • Documentation Support


Student / Nursing / Job Visa Assistance

Advertising/Marketing/Public Relations

Real Estate / Finance Consultancy

Business / Trading Consultancy


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